Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Snowpolooza, not really


After endless forecasts of an upcoming snow storm in the metro Detroit area, we got about 4 inches of lovely fluffy stuff.  The weathermen have been filling the news broadcasts with dire predictions with shots of salt trucks and snow plows for about a week. Yes it will be a pain to clean off the cars and the side streets will be slow going. But really....its Michigan, its February.  Snow should not be a surprise.

Had a good conversation with friend Bob yesterday and he was feeling down due to all the deaths from a variety of causes in his family and friends.  We recounted the funny things that happened when we worked together and post retirement interactions with our mutual friends.  Really trying to stay connected with pals. It does me good and gives something to look forward to in the winter doldrums.  Also spoke to my Uncle Len at length in the morning.  Our conversations are a real treat for me and there are snippets of family history slipped in that give me further insight to our past. His 90th birthday is coming up and I will be sure to make that my next call. We FaceTimed with sweet friend Janine in the evening.  Most of the bitching was about February in Michigan and how our dogs dislike the cold and snow. Hope to see her soon in that our shots are full potent later this month.

So Beaumont had to postpone covid shots for 1800 second shot candidates because of a supply shortage.  It might be that the drugstores that will benefit handsomely from their customers obtaining the vaccines from their profit centers. 

We finally caught film 1917 on Showtime last night.  It might have been the most accurate viewing of trench warfare and its brutality.  The characters were relatable and well presented.  Benedict Cumberbatch as the Colonel was brief cameo with a satisfying F*ck Off! as his parting words.  Its kind of late in the game, but if you get the chance, see this one.  

I started watching Shameless at Katey's during my visits to take care of Apollo for his daily meal and outing.  I love this show.  Frank Gallagher is a complete disaster and the actors portraying his kids are believable problem solvers continuing to find solutions for life. My wife and I would probably part company on this one.   

Thats it.

stay safe

all for now

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