Monday, April 26, 2021

Joyful things

This is me at the riverwalk on our recent visit.  Had a lovely time and the day was beautiful.  If you haven't availed yourself this lovely setting, you should try it. We are trying to get out more as the weather improves and we are really tired of being inside. 

Had a wonderful non soccer game yesterday with the dads playing the sons.  It seems the coach of the opposing team, either forgot he was getting married on this day or forgot he had a game scheduled at same time. Needless to say the contest was a forfeit.  However the old lemons to lemonade scenario played out and the kids had a great time playing their fathers. Andrew in the goal on one end and Eli at the other.  With all of dad's leaps and lunges, I am sure he is feeling it this morning.  

Nomadland won the best picture Oscar as expected.  I did not watch the program.  For me the results are not as important as the show itself with the stage and orchestra and all.  Missed the renditions of the songs and the sometimes surprising speeches.  

Still trying to get accustomed to the Apple keyboard, gets easier with each try.  I need a mouse to use the device effectively and we ordered me one along with the protective cover.  The whole shebang should arrive before by the end of the week. Mine is gold in color and I will admit some modicum of excitement and anticipation on learning something new.

Have to make some TV comment on a show we are viewing.  City on a Hill is a gritty, curse filled Boston tough guy cop show with Kevin Bacon as the lead with few redeeming values.  It really shows promise and is the way my mind sees Boston.  Give it a shot.

Finally, had a discussion about joy from viewing.  It is my contention that musical, dramatic and artistic performances bring joy but watching Tiger Woods hit the ball or Kirk Gibson hitting one out of the park does not. If you are playing the sport, I get the joy like the kids running around the field with their fathers.  But watching from the couch, not so much.  What do you think?  

all for now

stay safe


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