Thursday, June 10, 2021

Return of the Hummingbirds


Judy has had a tenuous relationship with these little guys.  At our houses on Orchard View and Millard she placed feeders in the yard filled them with purchased sugar water and nothing, no action.  The bottle would sit out there for months until the seasons changed and it would be taken down.  

We moved into this apartment on the fourth floor. Last year a friend of ours suggested we try again to attract our little friends with homemade hooch and lo and behold, we were discovered and there was a veritable traffic jam at our feeder.  It was an entraining summer (simple pleasures).  We put it up again in the same spot and nothing for weeks even with warm days.  Over the last few days our food supply was again discovered and around dinnertime this guy shows up every fifteen minutes or so. He seems to be OCD and can't get enough. This information is not really earth shattering but gives me pause from the chaos.

Went for a pleasant dinner with friend Dick last evening at a neighborhood spot.  Our favorite waitress was there and serving us with all the wisecracks she could muster mostly pointed at Dick.  She told us she carrying her first two legged child about 7 months along currently only having 4 legged children that ate from bowls on the floor. She and Dick exchanged smart assed remarks throughout out time there.  The owner was present as well and bitching that he cannot find help.  The government checks from the pandemic are keeping people home.  

The waitstaff in almost any restaurant are poorly paid and rely mostly on the gratuities from diners.  Even with that, these workers do not earn enough to support themselves or a family.  This is a doubled edged sword in our economy.  Restaurants need workers or they will close up shop.  The servers need enough to make ends meet.  The stimulus checks help that.  But his money is a temporary solution and cannot go on forever.  Do I think the owners will pay more when the program runs out? Probably no.  We may soon be getting our spaghetti and meatballs from a machine like Japan if this isn't resolved. 

Watched the season finale of "The Good Doctor" last evening.  It was touching and teared me up a bit.  This is marvelous cast and the writing is poignant.  Freddy Highmore has the autism aspect of his character mastered and delivers in a believable manner.  Catch this one if you can.   

Eli's new computer is up and running and he is playing Flight Simulator.  Janine is in better control of her pain and new knee is intact and functional. Katy's sinusitis is better.  Maybe it will be a good day with only a zoom meeting with New Gateways and a little shopping.

all for now 

stay safe

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your reads like another day in the life of Jerry and wife and friends. Sweet and educational and down to earth. We never have much luck with hummingbirds...but the rest of the migration in our area flock by the dozens to our birdbaths and feeders...even our dog enjoys watching and the birds don't mind her either. Cheers Jerry


End of year summation

This is the last day of 2021 and my last photo of the year.  I am working on an Andy Rooney vibe from 60 Minutes.  Andrew is improving from ...