Monday, August 30, 2021


This is my handsome grandson Elijah ready to go to Middle School orientation today.  He looks thrilled right?  I love him more than he will ever know, from the time he was a screaming infant too now when he is wearing my tee shirts and shorts as he is nearly as tall as me.  

He and his father were both panicked yesterday when again our faulty elevators halted between floors and they were stuck in a hot airless environment waiting for help.  Polite words cannot fully express my anger over this situation and the jeopardy our residents are put thru due to the inadequate powering of the systems of this building.  All agencies that could be notified have been and Its been about two months since this problem has arisen.  They have done nothing.  I am more disappointed with them than the ardent capitalists that own this place.  I expect these cheap bastards to cut corners where ever they can but these agencies are supposed to be looking out for seniors and vulnerable populations.  When they have to remove a heart attack victim from one of the cars with the TV cameras recording, then actions may be taken.

I wasn't going to write today feeling my creative streak had run its course.  I guess not. 

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Stanley and a Railway

I became completely engrossed by two presentations I saw yesterday. 1. Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy.  This is a lovely travel show with Stanley eating his way through Italy.  He is Italian on both sides and a more than adequate speaker of the language.  Visiting the different regions and their cuisines as well as learning of the passions of the food creators is quite a treat for me.  As a speaker, his interviews are insightful and friendly and mostly subtitled.  I will make Cacio di Pepe which is a pasta dish with cheese and pepper. We have discussed our prospective travel plans many times, facilitating back and forth between destinations.  I want to go to Italy.  That's it.

2. Railway Man, a period/present dramatic film with Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgard. Made in 2013 it depicts captured British soldiers forced to construct a railway thru Burma during World War II and the aftermath and mental torment of one of the officers as he struggles to move forward with his life and relationships.  Near the end of the movie, he confronts his abuser face to face.  The outcome of this meeting is surprising and cathartic.  In a letter, the Firth character forgives his tormenter completely.  

Genuine forgiveness is a gift to bestow and receive.  I see too little of it in the world we live in.  It lifts burdens and creates peace.  As Catholics we went to confession and said "Bless me Father for I have sinned" The priest would grant us God's absolution and say "Go now and sin no more".  I no longer have any connection to this process.  It was a little boy in a dark confessional fearful of consequences and the many "Hail Mary's" I would receive as penance. 

This film depicts the story of real men that became lifelong friends and died within a year of each other.  Real forgiveness created that friendship.  It can wipe the slate clean to begin again.

The gang is coming over for donuts today.  It will be loud and messy.  Harry will try to find a place to sit and be waiting for crumbs to drop.  I hope Andrew's AC came back alive.  My lovely Judy is caring for Harry like a Mom with a variety of meds and routines on a strict schedule which is necessary.  I am making scones from a box to go along with the donuts.

It will be another hot one.

all for now
stay safe


Saturday, August 28, 2021

My woeful ignorance is showing

Another vacation lake shot......

 We watched the new Apple TV+ movie "Coda" last evening.  While it employed deaf actors to portray deaf characters, the film comes up short for me.  But maybe is is my own lack of knowledge about this life as it is presented that I don't get.  It is a depiction of a family of four.  Three members are deaf and one, a daughter hears and acts as an interpreter for her family members.  She sings like a bird and her interplay with them and the rest of the world is the story.  I have few hearing impaired people in my life, hence my ignorance as to the nuance of the story.

In music, a coda is the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically from an addition to the basic structure. "the first movement ends with a fortissimo coda" (from the Google dictionary).  An ending of one chapter and the beginning of another frames this story.  For me the film is good but not great.

Shannon spent the night last night and she is watching guess what and guess what like she does every morning she is with us playing with her UNO cards listening to Alan Jackson and his compadres.  Dickman left me a Chinese wooden back scratcher at my door.  I cannot imagine why.  

Also watched Ted Lasso.  It continues to be maybe the most entertaining show on TV. With endearing characters like Ted, his female boss and Roy "fuck off" Kent.  Roy needs his own show.  In the last episode, Ted seems emotionally damaged, old demons surfacing.  We are all worried.

The world is too frustrating to report on.  That's it for today

all for now

stay safe

Friday, August 27, 2021


It's getting harder and harder to be light hearted.  The state of our world is becoming more dire with each passing day. The death of our servicemen in Kabul has placed an exclamation point on our disastrous involvement in the nation of Afghanistan.  What would you tell the parents of these soldiers aside from some prepared speech?  What is to become of the women of this country, back under veils and their education eliminated. Biden looks old and frustrated.  I can't say I blame him. 

 This is a photo of the lake we stayed near a couple of weeks ago.  It was a clear morning and the reflection matched the reality.  I felt peaceful at that moment. These little cameras attached to our mobile devices allow us some freedom to capture events and scenes like the one above.  You can record your life and those around you.  I don't take this for granted.  

Our little hummingbird has returned in the early evening.  Judy is thrilled and he complies sipping the nectar of the feeder.  I never can understand how he can find us on the fourth floor.  We are a distance from any tree.  These little creatures must have some capacity for memory or an uncanny olfactory sense to make it back here on a regular basis.  

Harry's allergies are still raging despite all the meds and foot wiping.  He is still unhappily wearing his cone most of the time but has devised a method to defeat it chewing on his back legs.  Really tough to get into see a vet.  Most of the appointments are months away.  Trying North Main this morning at 8am as instructed to see if they can fit him in. 

I know this is a lot of complaining today.  I feel the need to air my grievances.  Getting my buddy Apollo this morning for feeding and letting out.  He is always thrilled to see me.  He never barks but yelps with delight when I appear.

all for now

take care and stay safe


Thursday, August 26, 2021


I don't know why I feel so bad about the passing of Charlie Watts.  He was quiet glue that held the Stones together,  a man of elegant demeanor and a stylish dresser.  He seemed like the guy everyone could count on.  While Mick and Keith were busy chasing women and a variety of substances, he went home to his wife and daughter immune to their excesses.  It seemed that he would go on forever. They will carry. on with Steve Jordan (Keith's buddy) sitting in the chair. 

My interest in the band has waned.  For me, they have become old guys singing old songs that I have sung in the car, on the beach and now on Pandora.  Mick is still impregnating young women,  Keith is still idolizing Chuck Berry.  Ron is now an accomplished painter.  The Rolling Stones are making scads of money doing what they have done thousands of times before. Mick is dying his hair and Keith dons a scarf to hide his receding hairline. Perhaps I have lost patience with their lack of growth as musicians. I know way too. much bitching

 I was also crushed when George Harrison succumbed to cancer in 2000. He just wanted to live a quiet life with his family and make small music with his buddies. He had a collection of ukuleles he carried around in the trunk of his car, according to Tom Petty.  With them, music was always at the ready. 

On the upside, we completed "The Chair" on Netflix, only six episodes will leave you wanting another season. I started watching "The Howling Wold Story" a documentary on Prime showing a decent history of the blues in the 50's.  There is ample interview time with his daughters and Hubert Sumlin, his guitarist. If you love musical roots, this one is for you.

It's a steamy morning today in Berkley with very little breeze.  Judy is going to the dentist (normal checkup) and we are taking kids to Spencer Lake for one last summer hurrah.  We are still suffering from intermittent elevators and I have few tomatoes left to pick.  The birds are chirping outside and I am ready to turn on the AC.

all for now

stay safe


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

A Walk Home

So I got the before mentioned fender replaced at B & B Collision yesterday.  I endorse them heartily even though I wish we weren't such good friends.  It was 100 bucks cheaper than estimated which was a bonus.  I decided to walk home rather than accepting a ride from the shop.  I like the adventure of slowly passing by the stores and businesses to see what is done or sold there or what service is rendered. These are a couple of shots I took along the way with my IPhone.  The blue door could be the cover of a book called Whats Behind the Blue Door, (I know, silly).

I saw menus and exercise equipment and parking warnings and a few people.  The distance back to the apartment was not too bad, about 2 1/2 miles and I got in most of my steps of the day.  The temps only rose toward the end of my journey.  Once across Woodward a memory of a friend darted into my mind as I looked at the neat brick postwar bungalows on my right.  We had a wonderful, brilliant friend Ron Guzi that grew up in one of those houses.  Sadly, due to well hidden depression, he took his own life a number of years back.  We were all shocked because he seemed so happy.  He would have made a wonderful grandfather.

We have been watching "The Chair" on Netflix over the past couple of days. The lead character is Sandra Oh, whom I have had a crush on for a long time.  It is about the floundering English department at an eastern college;  There are. many flawed characters which I love, especially Holland Taylor and Bob Balaban included in a batch of other curmudgeons. I love it when the secondary characters have stories that are included in the plot. At times their's are better.

The media is continuing to beat on Joe for the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  There was never going to be a good or even adequate answer to when to depart this country.  Why do all. politicians have to make speeches pitching their accomplishments?  As a career public servant, our president falls into this category.
But he may be the Harry Truman of this century as the buck stops at his desk and he is willing to carry the load.

The elevators are still working only intermittently at the old folks home.  One of my buddies, Calvin had to climb to the 8th floor, up the back stairs, cane and all.  Judy and I were stuck in it yesterday on our floor and the maintenance man had to force open the door.  The car died a foot above floor level and we had to jump out to land on the floor.  We are pretty able bodied but someone in a walker would not have been so fortunate.  All possible agencies have been advised with no resolution in sight.  Multifloored Senior faciliites must have functional elevators at a minimum.  A new paint job or new carpet isn't enough. But enough bitching.

all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

A Production, Pizza and September

I had occasion to watch "Hartsfield Landing", a theatrical reading by the cast of The West Wing on HBO Max yesterday.  Actually watched it twice.  It was put on to benefit a non profit called When We All Vote.  As many. of you would remember this was an accomplished company of actors racing through and trying to keep up with the dialogue written by Aaron Sorkin.  It was remarkable viewing this performance with the backdrop of the January 6th insurrection.  Interspersed in the scenes were brief recitations from the company and other notables urging America to vote. To me it is not only a right of citizenry, but a duty to vote. If you have the chance see this fine performance, do so. 

The only thing I miss that was a regular part of the show was the "walk with me" conversations in the hallways loaded with detailed dialogue racing down the hall to the next room.  This could not be done on a stage.  Martin Sheen was as brilliant as ever as the president we have all wished for and Richard Schiff disarms his leader with pointed words and eyeball to eyeball discourse. 

Pizza has been my life since I was a fat, lonely teenager sitting home dateless on a Friday night.  I would order a Little Caesars pie from the neighborhood shop and consume the whole thing in one sitting to drown my sorrows making me even fatter.  Now it seems that this favorite of mine could be my worst enemy as I try to control my glucose numbers.  I had it yesterday for lunch.  Numbers were poor this morning.  Like a drug addict or alcoholic I need to quit cold turkey.  Going to Buddy's in September with friend from the north Kathy Smith and others, I will have salad.  I need to treat this food like cigarettes no matter how tempting. 

Tomatoes and cukes are almost gone and one of the plants has been removed.  September is nearly upon us and children will soon be returning to school.  There are wars going on between parents and school boards at public meetings over mask wearing.  A number of school systems have mandated masks for all.  In light of the increase of cases throughout the state, this seems like a good idea to protect everyone, students and teachers.  Sadly, this thing is not over.  We are masked again in the old folks home, an inconvenient but sensible precaution. Our state is about 65 percent vaccinated.  This is not enough.  Judy and I completed ours in early February.  We are eligible for the booster in October and will take it.


Monday, August 23, 2021

The Wonder of Peaches

I will admit to being a little obsessed with peaches, their smell, the juiciness, the texture and of course the taste.  We collected these from a farm stand on MI-31 and I-75 heading home after last weeks adventure.  Savoring the sweet odor and the flavor, I neatly cut one up to put in my morning oatmeal as part of the cooking process.  These are the last of the batch.  The ones in the stores are picked God know when and from God know where. It just doesn't come close.

I learned a different way to cook corn-on-the-cob from my sister in law.  In the past, had boiled in sugary water and generally when the corn was new, it was ok.  Yesterday I roasted in the oven, sealing each cob  in aluminum foil basting prior with a coating of butter, kosher salt, and smoked paprika.  It was even sweeter and the flavors were intense.  Thank you Laura!  Hopefully can do this again before the summer is over.

As we are departing Afghanistan in haste,  I am reminded of another failed military incursion in our past, the Viet Nam war.  I believe we have again failed at our attempts at nation building.  This is another country and culture we really knew nothing about when we started.  In both events, many lives were lost on both sides. Ancient politicians with no skin in the game are putting our young people in harms way.  This had to end sometime.  We have been at it for 20 years and all the infrastructure and training has been for naught.  Hopefully America has learned a costly lesson.....finally. 

The impact of global warming of human invention is being felt in our country and in many places in the world.  Wildfires rage in the western states and TN has experienced flooding that has cost lives.  I have a high school friend that is a chicken farmer living on a plateau and she is ok.  It has been hot and muggy in our area and we have experienced some power outages.  I am very concerned especially seeing the little people and babies this weekend.  What will their future be?

As mentioned before friend Janine had to put down her log time companion, Scout after 17 years of friendship.  We went with her to Premier Pet to attend a puppy adoption event yesterday.  What a dangerous place to be!! Good Karma Puppy Rescue  brings a batch of these cuties to pet and hold.  Judy and I fell for a lanky shorthaired guy that was so laid back that all the puppies in the enclosure were sitting on him and he allowed it.  No more dogs for us!  It was a fun event and this is a good rescue group.

There's not a lot of air this morning.  I need to water my remaining tomato plants.  This is the first time I have tried that has been successful.  I am not too big on flowers, but I love growing food and tending the garden.

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Reunion

This is Uncle John being attacked by squirt guns by nieces and nephews at the Szasz family reunion which is held annually at Kensington Metropark in August.  Our family always gets invited as part of their extended family.  This event is organized by the children of my cousin Geraldine long passed away.  Now after another generation of offspring, these folks, like John are grandparents.  Even though we only see each other at this event and funerals, I was greeted with open arms and handshakes.  The are people with few pretensions and a jean and tee shirt crowd.  They genuinely like me,  I'm not sure why.  The littles running around that have no idea who the old guy is, still smile and let me take their picture and shoot me with their water pistols. I posted a photo of the newest member, Bentley, at about a month old and received many congrats, even though the little guy was not from one of my kids. I think generationally I am his great-great uncle.  Watching him squirming in his stroller seat trying to figure out his world, I wonder what his future will hold.

The Woodward Dream Cruse was yesterday and I managed to stay away from the crowds only crossing over twice taking Shannon back and forth to home.  I am not really a car guy and really don't like showoffs.  But hey, lots of folks had fun and we need it after the last two years.

Interest in this blog has seemed to wane recently.  I guess it is to be expected in that it started in fall of 2016.  My vacation stories, family antics and travelogues are not that fascinating.  But, I will continue to put my thoughts down and offer them up. I enjoy the process and it gives me some semi-creative outlet.  Hopefully, I can compile all of these and my grandchildren will learn who Poppy really was.

We started watching "Nine Perfect Strangers" on Hulu with its stellar cast including Melissa McCarthy and my favorite creepy character, Michael Shannon.  Nicole Kidman plays a screwy mentor to these folks on retreat to find truth and happiness. After two episodes, I am not enthused. Remember Shannon from "The Shape of Water"?  

Going to be a smoker today.  I still hear the cars rumbling down Woodward even though the event is over for another year. Sorry I missed you Jerry Bell, the pictures were outstanding.  

all for now
stay safe


Friday, August 20, 2021

Morning on the Lake

Its morning after a late night to drinking, pizza and conversation. Its Monday morning and all is quiet. Its sweatshirt weather, too cold for swimming yet.  The lake is shimmering with small ripples.  There are wispy clouds overhead.  Most of our collective is still asleep.  Cabin life is different, not pristine like on other trips.  The soil of the woods grits underfoot.  This environment is a good place to recharge. I am really enjoying the quiet and the singing loons at night.  

Its Tuesday morning and Andrew is making biscuits.  The little boys have arisen and are watching Scoobie Doo.  Jon went to pickup debris from last nights fire pit, marshmallow extravaganza and the games that followed.  Our adult girl travel companions are still sleeping after a night of revelry. The sky is completely blue with no breeze this morning.  Cooking burgers on the grill tonight. I just got done cleaning it.  My garden tomatoes and cukes will make a salad to go along with it.  I hear the sound of speed boats but enjoy the the quiet more.

Wednesday: everybody is up and breakfast is cooking (pancakes and bacon today), Friend Janine is sending her 17 year companion Scout over the rainbow bridge today.  She is scared and sad and full of anxiety.  Thinking of her and will try to reach out to her later.  It's another sunny and pleasant day.  Reluctantly, I will attempt to swim in the lake today.  I am not a water person being a non swimmer. All the kids will go and I will jump in sans shirt.  My body has not seen the sun in a long time. I was awaken by revelers at 1:45am with the question "did we wake you"

The morning of departure most are still asleep.  Judy and I are up before 8am. Still needed to empty out the fridge.  My back's not too sore with all the climbing and jagged walkways my balance has improved.  Even the spiral staircase isn't as scary.  According to my Fitbit, doing at least 20 floors per day.  Had an ice cream and Judy got the group photo she wanted.  Janine endured Scout's passing with many supportive friends.  All in all, I nice trip.

The family photo....
 all for now, stay safe


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Big Storms in the Neighborhood

Couldn't help myself this morning.  Ate the leftover antipasto salad with my coffee and the Today show and it was great.  Big storms in Berkley last evening as evidenced by the large branches on the ground at the old folks home.

It's the evening after the storm and there is still much debris in the neighborhood. I took Harry for a long sweaty walk tonight that lasted till nightfall.

Along the way we were entertained by the Berkley High football team doing "burpees" with no pads but helmets and the percussion section of the band synchronizing their beats.  The volume permeated the area.  Actually sounded good like something breaking free.  I loved the noise of it.

No air anywhere at all.  Not a breeze to be found.  The humidity was so thick you had to climb through it like loose jello.  It was fun seeing and hearing the loud cars and motorcycles on Woodward getting ready for the cruise.  These are the sounds of summer I remember; when you would get with your buddies and drive back and forth on the avenue checking out the cars burning rubber and all the girls; listening to the Beatles or Beach Boys. We always imagined a chance meeting, but it never happened. 

We are back to being masked at Oxford Towers, not really surprising.  I am accepting of this but not at all happy about it.  I was enjoying seeing people's faces and their expressions.  I think we are going to be covered up for awhile.  There are 93 million Americans that are not vaccinated.  Many of these citizens have refused to accept this needed shot for a variety of reasons, out of fear or due to a supposed trampling of their rights.  My question is what about the rights of our grandchildren too young to be vaccinated? I believe that youngsters will contract this virus and be sickened because of these Americans. It's a sad commentary.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Three Amigos

I get more readers with pictures of kids rather than tomatoes or other non animate objects.  Had these two characters overnight on Friday with parents here for a bagel visit on Saturday. All in all an action packed weekend.  

Monday I had my annual with my primary care physician.  He was as expectedly  unenthused.  He read off of his laptop all the test results I already knew from my mybeaumont chart. I could have attended this event in a winter coat and gloves for how closely I was examined.  I only need this guy to pass out prescriptions and not much else.  

Tuesday I gave blood at a wonderful church in the neighborhood,  very welcoming. However the American Red Cross put me with a young lady that was going for her first arm, me.  She was not successful and probably embarrassed.  Her mentor tried, again no success, followed by a guy that used to drive the truck and had two years under his belt at this.  Again, no success.  All is becoming not comfortable,  but because it is for babies,  I choose to soldier on.  The forth person is an older salt and she is successful, finally. 

It has really not been the best week.  Took Eli, Marie and a friend to Spencer Lake which was fun for them.  I am not much of a water person and had to take care of Apollo in the middle of the day so I stayed dry.  Taking the kids home, I crunched the front fender due to my poor perception when entering their security gate at the apartment.  Needless to day I was super pissed with myself.  It did not really look too bad.  Learned yesterday that the repair will be more than 800.00, one of those oh shit moments. 

The next day I rolled thru a stop sign on Catalpa and the kind officer gate me a ticket, with no points.  Again sloppy driving gets me.  But the cost of business has gone up.  What once was 50 bucks is not 175.00. This cost should be a deterrent.  Again, really pissed at myself.  Grandkids in the back seat did not know what was going on but not really upset.  

Time has passed. Its Tuesday morning about a week since I started this post.  Judy went to NJ to deal with a family matter and it's me and Harry for the remainder of the week.  For years I have heard of the legendary sandwiches at Ernie's Market in Oak Park.  He has been featured on TV spots and on most of the best of lists.  The place is a little market on the corner of Republic and Capital.  At some point it was a family grocery store with wooden shelves and a couple of rows.  Sandwiches are constructed at the back of the store at the meat counter.  For about 7 bucks you can get one that will do you for two meals.  I stood in line with all the variety of patrons all happily waiting for their lunch.  My turn is up and from the back out comes Ernie. I told him I had finally made it to his place.  He is thrilled to see all of us and fist bumps me and asks me my name.  He tells me about the 100 year old business which was started by his father and shows me the old wooden refrigerator.  As I was leaving, he told me to come back when I could stay longer.  I happier man I have never seen.  Food should make the giver as happy as the receiver.

This past Saturday was the Berkley Street Art Fair.  It was a wonderful small affair with crafty merchants setting up shop in our Main Street, Coolidge along with music that was fitting for the event. I took Shannon in her chair two times and had fun both times.  She asked everyone's name and they learned hers.  When we went back in the afternoon to get some cookies they all said Hi Shannon.  She was very happy.  This was mostly local folks from the neighborhood. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.  There were budding artists making chalk drawings on the parking spots along the road.  

Like this one,  Well its getting to be nearly 6am and I need to make my breakfast, maybe eggs today.

all for now
stay safe and cool


End of year summation

This is the last day of 2021 and my last photo of the year.  I am working on an Andy Rooney vibe from 60 Minutes.  Andrew is improving from ...