Sunday, August 29, 2021

Stanley and a Railway

I became completely engrossed by two presentations I saw yesterday. 1. Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy.  This is a lovely travel show with Stanley eating his way through Italy.  He is Italian on both sides and a more than adequate speaker of the language.  Visiting the different regions and their cuisines as well as learning of the passions of the food creators is quite a treat for me.  As a speaker, his interviews are insightful and friendly and mostly subtitled.  I will make Cacio di Pepe which is a pasta dish with cheese and pepper. We have discussed our prospective travel plans many times, facilitating back and forth between destinations.  I want to go to Italy.  That's it.

2. Railway Man, a period/present dramatic film with Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgard. Made in 2013 it depicts captured British soldiers forced to construct a railway thru Burma during World War II and the aftermath and mental torment of one of the officers as he struggles to move forward with his life and relationships.  Near the end of the movie, he confronts his abuser face to face.  The outcome of this meeting is surprising and cathartic.  In a letter, the Firth character forgives his tormenter completely.  

Genuine forgiveness is a gift to bestow and receive.  I see too little of it in the world we live in.  It lifts burdens and creates peace.  As Catholics we went to confession and said "Bless me Father for I have sinned" The priest would grant us God's absolution and say "Go now and sin no more".  I no longer have any connection to this process.  It was a little boy in a dark confessional fearful of consequences and the many "Hail Mary's" I would receive as penance. 

This film depicts the story of real men that became lifelong friends and died within a year of each other.  Real forgiveness created that friendship.  It can wipe the slate clean to begin again.

The gang is coming over for donuts today.  It will be loud and messy.  Harry will try to find a place to sit and be waiting for crumbs to drop.  I hope Andrew's AC came back alive.  My lovely Judy is caring for Harry like a Mom with a variety of meds and routines on a strict schedule which is necessary.  I am making scones from a box to go along with the donuts.

It will be another hot one.

all for now
stay safe


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