Thursday, September 30, 2021


 This is Judy enjoying her birthday lemon meringue pie (thank god for spell corrections). Katey made it for her as it is her favorite from her Mom, Marie.  She would be proud of her granddaughter.

I am getting used to the two school delivery routine.  My growing grandkids are generally cooperative and know what they are responsible for in the morning.  No one is smiley but I have become accustomed to it.  

Andrew and I had a somewhat heated discussion over employer mandated Covid vaccines for their employees.  It seems that his current employer is mandating that all employees are vaccinated regardless of their work station, job title or duties.  A woman he is aquatinted with is being let go because of her refusal to get the shot.  In my opinion, the company has the right to insist their workers are vaccinated.  Regardless of your moral, religious or political as a worker, you do not have the right to make fellow workers or their families sick.  

Lots of holes being dug around in the roads.  There is some sort of utility work being done by Consumers Power and DTE Energy.  I am constantly swerving around barricades and other equipment.  I guess it's the price of progress and infrastructure updates and repairs. Must confess that I wish it was complete.  

Judy and I are going to Walgreens to receive our Covid booster this morning as well as the latest flu vaccine.  It has been 8+ months since our second Pfizer shot.  We will see how it goes.  Leaving tomorrow open incase of side effects.  

It's a big birthday weekend for us with Paxton being 5 on Saturday and Eli being 12 actually Friday with a Sunday bowling party.  We had a cake for him yesterday evening.  

Took my first long walk after a while yesterday afternoon.  Three seasoned ladies were talking a the end of a driveway, noticed Harry and called out Hello Baby only to remind me that they were speaking of the canine and not me, quickly returning to viewing their phones.  It was funny.  My attractiveness grades have fallen even farther. 

Going to lunch with friend Dickman today, with Judy.  Should be fun.

nothing too heavy

stay safe

all for now

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Wonder Years - a reboot

Had occasion last evening to view the reboot of a snow we watched with our kids, The Wonder Years.  In the version from the past, the viewer was shown the prospective of a 12 year old growing up in suburban IL along with his family, his friends and a depiction of life in 1968 America,  as we saw it, very white.  It was good at the time and since 1968 was the year I graduated, my personal prospective was different. There was lots of tragedy that year, Dr. King was assassinated as well Bobby Kennedy. The Viet Nam war was raging.  I was getting my cap and gown and going to community college.

The new iteration of the show presents the same year from a African American prospective.  Same twelve year old boy now called Dean. A bright, afro ed kid trying to find his way in the world just trying to get along with everybody.  He attends a Junior High School named after Jefferson Davis with a life sized statue of the Confederate greeting the students as they arrive, truly a slap indicative of the time.   Again, 1968 seen through a completely different lens.  Lee Daniels is the show runner and for further cred, Don Cheadle does the narration. Dad is a music professor, with a budding radical teenage daughter and a older son serving in Viet Nam along with a supportive and peacekeeping mom.  I don't know if this is a true depiction of Black life in that era because each day I feel like I know less about these citizens.  But it has to be better than if a bunch of white guys were writing the script. Suggest you see this with your kids and grandkids regardless of your background. 

nothing else to really report.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Drippy day

It's a rainy day here at Oxford Park Towers.  Supposed to be showers all day and into the night. The Detroit area could have as much as 6.5 inches of rain. Some times days like this are ok because you can relax and find things to do inside at least until you become bored and disgusted with it all, pout and over eat on things you shouldn't.  I'm on my second cup of coffee and the flavor is still ringing in my mouth.  I did 5 Storyworth entries about my past and my emotions which was draining because some of the memories weren't the most positive.  Even though I don't get as many readers of this blog as before, I continue for myself not for others. 

We endured a laborious bu  necessary meeting about Shannon and her future needs at Lange House yesterday afternoon. We were asked pointless questions about her and her needs that could never apply to her life by a polite and patient young lady from MORC.  All of these need to be answered every three years to assure funding for her care in housing and learning programs.  Upon departure, the skies opened up and driving was tough seeing between the raindrops.  As we went south and west into Oakland County, the downpour ceased.  

It is perplexing that the sad truth is that if the missing and perished girl was an African American citizen there would be no coverage of the tragedy.  America's interest is only of pretty blondes with a social media presence.  There are many black girls and boys that go missing and are killed little or no press coverage.  Systemic racism  is quite pervasive.

The show "Only Killings in this Building" is getting better and more intriguing.  Thank you Rick Bradford for the encouragement  to continue watching. They keep introducing interesting characters, like Nathan Lane (my favorite) and Sting, both playing minor but pivotal roles, also the lovely but droll Jackie Hoffman.  We are viewing "Mr. Corman" on Apple+TV.  Judy is a bit more cerebral than I, and she really gets the show, me not so much.

We successfully passed our apartment inspection this morning. I know, really. big news.  Kind of a boring day.  Will trudge thru the rain to feed Apollo and let him out for a reluctant pee.  

all for now
stay safe 


Monday, September 20, 2021

Visitors and Blue Cheer

Not really enchanted with yesterdays picture so this is the Berkley sunrise at about 7am.  We had an all kid weekend that included Shannon and the Paxton/Everett duo. It was fun and the boys clunked out with no problem after running them up till dinner time.  We spent 2 days plus viewing PBS Kids programs and all the usual Disney offerings.  My only bad judgement was to push Shannon thru the streets of our town about 3 or so miles. My only complaint about this place is the condition of their sidewalks.  Many are old, lifted or cracked.  This transport chair gets stuck or stopped on many of the surfaces. So any of the newest candidates for City Council, hear me and fix the sidewalks! On Sunday, with our boys, we were joined by friend Jeremy and his twin boys and two year old. The mob went to the park at the school yard down the street.  A moderately good time was had but there were multiple personalities trying to get along at first meeting, sometimes a challenge.  

After parents arrived and they left for Grand Rapids, we collapsed in couch and chair and napped.  I woke up and didn't know where or who I was.  Slapping myself awake, went to Trader Joes for some provisions.  It should have been called Nutty Joes with all the shoppers.  I think I will limit my trips to mornings during the week when it is less populated.  They pipe through a variety of muzak into the store generally which is entertaining.  Yesterday however, listening above the hubbub, I hear "Summertime Blues" by a sixties band Blue Cheer.  This simplistic group had the distinction of being the loudest band that played Fillmore West and others.  The members are probably all deaf at this point.  As I went to the checkout meeting an employee that looked about 45,  I told him of this history perhaps a little proud that this memory still was in my mind.  This gentleman was polite but nonplussed by this information.  I went on my way with the sound and memory ringing in my head.

Friends Dickman and Considine went to lunch and watch the Michigan/Northern Illinois game on Saturday.  As expected, it was a rout 63-10 in favor of the. Wolverines.  I later learned that the smaller schools that play these powerhouse teams earn a hefty paycheck from the Big Ten.  I think of the young players that are lambs led to slaughter when they know what the outcome will be before the first whistle is blown.  It cannot be that wonderful to be on TV getting your asses handed to you. 

Was glad to see that Ted Lasso and cast members were recognized at last night's Emmy Awards.  This is a remarkably good show crossing cultures showing some poignant interactions between characters.  Mare of Eastwick and Kate Winslet were deserving as well.  I love Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent) in Ted L, he needs his own show titled F*ck Off!

Watched the new Steve Martin/Martin Short offering "Only Murders in this Building". The first episode was good, the second not so much.  The Selena Gomez backstory sounded too much like teenage drama.  We will continue with it and see where it goes.

Well body is still aching from my extended Shannon journey and racing with my grandsons.  Less activity planned today, needing time to recover. Harry and I will walk this morning.

All for now

Stay Safe

Saturday, September 18, 2021

An Assortment of Comments

A photo from this morning, note the falling face, mom and dads wedding picture in the background,

Son Andrew has started a new job at Henry Ford Hospital in their Endo out patient clinic at their main campus on Grand Blvd.  We had him out to dinner yesterday and I have never seen him so happy or comfortable in a job situation.  The biggest part of it is that he is again with people face to face and away from the screens and zoom meetings from his former employ.  After sitting in a room with computers for about two years, he needed to rejoin the world.  Because his mom and he share the nursing background, they swap stories about procedures and policies that escape me, both feeling passionate about at least adequate care.  In a general discussion about personnel, he proclaimed that nursing is a calling.  Those just earning a check should consider something else.  That really stuck with me. 

We also had a treat in seeing some of the teachers of our children and grandchildren enjoying happy hour at the restaurant celebrating a successful first two weeks of educating the young.  The worlds greatest Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Lois Mann was there. She taught two of my kids and most recently, Eli and Marie, my grandchildren.  And I would scream that from the mountaintops. My favorite First Grade teacher Mrs. Coates ran up and gave me a hug. A sweeter and kinder person you couldn't find. When I was a parent of elementary school students, I really knew nothing that was going on, I was at work.  Now as a grand parent I see more and have made friends with some of the teachers of my grand kids.  Their enthusiasm and ability to listen makes. me admire them even more.  We are graduating from Oak Ridge Elementary this year, no cap and gown but only memories as Marie moves to the Middle School to join her brother.

Our little guys will be coming over today for a visit and overnight.  The day should be nice and a playground visit is in order.  The key is to keep them moving so sleep comes easier at bedtime.  Paxton is a good eater and never a problem to feed, but Everett is another matter.  His tastes are very specific and we will again try to find something he likes.  This kid like many two year olds moves with abandon with no fear and very sturdy, if he falls, he picks himself our and continues on.  He loves our much used Magni-Tiles.  These are colorful and durable building shapes and have been used for two generations at our house.  The structures become more complex as the users grow. Maybe this is a product pitch. 

Shannon is here this morning and watching you know what, followed by The Lion King. She and I are fighting as to who's fat.  We settle on me and she says Dad, why are you fat? I tell her I eat too much.  

I am always amazed by things the really work. Like how you can spray WD-40 on a noisy hinge and it becomes silent almost permanently.  I had to collect a sample yesterday and the device furnished worked flawlessly, quite remarkable. I'll offer no further details.  But I was disappointed with dropping off at the FedEx office in Southfield.  The clerk chose to not speak to me at all, no hello,thanks or anything, I was pissed but then resigned when she passed me the receipt without a word.

Saw two impressive vehicles on Thursday. One was a Shelby Cobra open topped with a roll bar in gun metal grey.  I tried to explain to my wife that is was the next generation of the AC Cobra, a British car from the 60's and reinvented by Carroll Shelby in conjunction with Ford. Its just a car she replied. The second was seen at Clarks Ice Cream later the same day was a new mid engined Corvette in red.  This vehicle looks like the ones we fascinated over reading Car and Driver when we were teenagers.  Of course, it was driven by an old guy that could afford the $100K price tag. Well that it.

all for now

stay safe


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Sleep more

We last night streamed  Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on with Colbert.  He was chatty and approachable, was pitching a small new book and carried a copy of the U.S. Constitution in his jacket breast pocket symbolically close to his heart.  Truly an impressive guy with a ready smile.  I hope his judgement is there for a long time. He said it was a (4 times very) bad decision to allow Texas basically ban abortions. 

I have a hard time putting together a good nights sleep for some time.  Often up in the middle of the night I am scrolling thru my phone mindlessly.  Been told that the light emanating from the device is sleep disrupter due to the nature of the color.  Honestly, I think I have an addiction to this device and to the time wasting it causes.  Going to read actual books and turn pages rather than moving my fingers up a screen catching snippets of information that really have no value to me. This lack of sleep is affecting my mental acuity and focus, making far too many mistakes and racing from one thing to another which causes the mistakes.

I find it hard to fathom that Trump is still a big part of the political narrative.  Biden has been the duly elected president for almost a year and the former is holding rallies with his supporters.  If statistics are to be believed, 88% of Republican voters are sure that the election was wrought with fraud and was stolen.  He has spouted that the failed recall attempt in CA was a rigged election.  The media needs to stop covering his speeches, his movements, his golf games and his opinions.  They need to make him a footnote.

We have a day off today and plan to take advantage of the temperate weather for a trip to the Troy Nature Center to look around at the environment and the critters.  I need some new pictures.

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

2021 Babysitter of the Year

So we had the little guys overnight on Sunday so their parents could attend the Alanis Morrisette concert.  Needless to say sleep was in short supply.  She shot me with Paxton looking on and Harry crouched below.

I started this on September 12rh and felt that I should probably be echoing the sentiments about the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  My words would be a restatement from many others.  Up until the pandemic of 2020, this was the biggest trauma our country suffered in this century.  We mourn the victims from the towers, the brave individuals that lost their lives trying to save the victims and those lost to a variety of diseases in the aftermath. We should not let the memory pass yet into the log of history.  John Kennedy's assassination has faded from the memories of most now being a footnote in the history books. 

While caring for Apollo at Katey's, I watched and episode of My 600 lb Life.  This is a TLC documentary series on the struggle of morbidly obese individuals and their attempts to achieve a more normal weight starting thru bariatric surgery.  The journey portrayed is shown over a few years.  I don't see these people as failures at self control but suffering from an addiction to eating.  Many times their caregivers are more facilitators of their obesity.  The woman I watched, Melissa is a tragic figure even after her massive weight loss struggling with old memories and demons.  To be honest, I was hoping for a happier ending.  But, it depicts reality.

Had a wonderful evening on Friday with friends from my past college days at the wonderful home of one of the friends.  For a few reasons, there were no spouses present and we swapped stories and spoke of our current lives.  Most are retired from their jobs with one going at the end of the year.  There are weddings being planned for some offspring which are stressful as expected.  We ate and drank a lot of wine and had lots of laughs.  I learned from a former girlfriend that I did the breaking up that ended the relationship and she cried a lot.  Felt bad but that relationship has migrated into a friendship, which can be more long lasting. For me, the evening was wonderful because we all felt at ease and relaxed.  Because we are all poor night drivers at this age, we closed the night at 9pm and went our separate ways. I am the eldest by the way.

Do you ever stop and wonder, what is my place in the world? PersonallyI have traveled from boyhood to manhood to fatherhood to grandfather hood.  Now I wonder what is next? Can I impart some knowledge on my grandchildren?  And what's left tor me as an individual? I continue to hope for growth and self acceptance and a sense of peace.  I know, too much bullshit.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Brown out

Well, we survived the power outage from yesterday.  Our condition was a brown out with some outlets working and others not.  The lights were dimmed and at least the weather was cool so the apartment did not heat up.  Tried to go to Clawson for an afternoon only to find that our favorites had the same problem and we were out of luck.  So I went into our half running refrigerator and got some leftovers.  My brilliant wife discovered that the outlet running the microwave was fully functional and plugged the fridge and the TV into it and we were back in business.  Power returned about 8pm, I know, a really big story.

Our grand kids went back to school this week, one in middle school and one in elementary. We are providing transport in that Andrew is starting a new job on Monday out of the office and back into the hospital setting.  Excited for this new chapter in his life.  Eli is in middle school this year and I hope the transition is not too difficult.  Marie is still with our old friends at Oak Ridge.  This is our final year interacting with the wonderful educators we have grown to care about and admire. Getting the timing down for the different buildings will be a little tricky at first but we should have it down shortly.

Went to the Urology Superstore yesterday for an annual visit.  This is one of those places I feel like a kid. I really like my doctor, thorough and caring with a touch of humor, much better than my primary care.  There are lots of walkers and old men providing more details than are necessary to the intake workers.  I have decided that old is better than elderly as defining terms.  Old is still standing but worse for wear and elderly denotes frailty and teetering along. 

Lots of social plans for the weekend including party attendance on Friday  Shannon visit, puppy viewing with Janine and with an overnighter from Jon and his kids on Sunday.  I will do lots of cooking and a lot of listening in that all will show up including Andrew and his tribe and Katey too. We manage to get all together in this small space.  Somehow, it works.

No social commentary today

stay safe

all for now


Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Diatribe


There was never going to be a good outcome with the war in Afghanistan.  We entered the country immediately after the attack on our country on September 11, 2001 that killed over 3 thousand people.  Our president at the time George W. Bush was seeking retribution for the attack there even though most of the attackers were Saudi Arabian nationality.  This country would not be touched due to the strong ties we had with them and their oil.  After installing our presence with the Afghan people and ignoring their centuries old culture and customs, felt it was our duty to rebuild the country in our own likeness, with a semi democratic system of governance.  Even with all the infrastructure improvements and military training, it did not work.  In my mind this was due to cultural ignorance and our arrogance in thinking that we always know what is best.  

Biden will be a one term president and in this 4 year term will try to correct some of the wrongs foisted upon us by previous administrations of both parties.  He knew that it was time to depart from this un winnable war.  Too many service people have given their lives for this ill fated effort along with countless Afghan innocents. It had to stop.  Yes, he is old and stumbles on his words due to his struggle with a stutter.  But for me he has no baggage other than that which he carries from past tragedies.  He is willing to shoulder the burden of his decisions and may be the Harry Truman of our time.  The current VP will not be ready to assume the reigns of power for the next go round and the Repubs will again seize control.

Our country seems unwilling to take the needed precautions with the new onslaught of Covid.  Even with the vaccinated, we can get infected.  I wear a mask in the stores I visit and still dine outside out of caution.  

I fear we have reached the point of no return on the world's climate.  All we can do is prepare for major upheaval and changes to everyone's lives. 

This brings me to Texas where a women's rights control her the future and outcome of her own body have been seized by the government in a state that supposedly promotes "small government".  If I am a passerby and see an Uber driver drop off a woman at Planned Parenthood, I can accost them and have the police called to question their intents.  Just think of that for a moment.  Again, my opinion, men have no right to decide how women use, treat, feed, or medicate their sovereign bodies.  This law basically states that a pregnant woman is no longer her own person in is now regulated by the state. 

I know, a diatribe.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


We had Andrew and his kids over for the last two days.  His air conditioning went out and they were waiting on its repairs.  Because of the extreme heat in his apartment, he slept in odd positions and injured his back as well.  So we were filled up for a couple of days.  I did lots of cooking and we did lots of laundry.  He tried to work from under these crowded and at times noisy circumstances.  Despite being in unrelenting pain, he did not lose patience with the kids or even us.  Eli and I made a trip back to his place for clothes and cat care all which turned out to be good.  Kids were bored at times because it was too hot to do much outside but mostly retained their pleasant demeanors.  

Had a nice surprise yesterday from a boyhood friend that I haven't talked to in over 50 years.  His name is Allan Wyckhuys.  He and I knew each other from the early sixties and like most, our lives had taken different paths.  He completed college and went on to become an educator and

school principal.  I barely scraped thru college and went to work typing freight manifests for Matty Moroun.  Al recalled in detail the trip we along with friend Tom to Ft Lauderdale FL  when I finished high school and they were one year out. A lot of those details have escaped me. Rather than trying to communicating with messenger, we decided a phone call would be better. He was always meant to be a leader, me, a foot soldier.  We all have our lots in life, excelling. in some but faltering in others.  He said he thought of me looking thru old wedding photos of their 51 year old marriage service seeing me there.  I would love to see this, not remembering who my date was.

Our long elevator saga is probably over.  Even with all the regulatory agencies being informed as to the dangers to seniors, nothing is being done.  The weather is cooling so things will work properly and all complaints will be forgotten.  The residents collective hands will be patted and they will have more Bible studies, bingo games and coffee klatches and all will be right with the world till next summer. It seems to be a truth in our era that bureaucrats are required to accomplish nothing and still get to collect their pay.  Even though they profess to be looking out for us, when they are MIA in the discussions, no repercussions.

On a happier note, I am still getting tomatoes to pick and the weather is cool and pleasant today.  Had to include a photo of Simon today and the 20 year old Jerry with his mystery date

all for now

stay safe

End of year summation

This is the last day of 2021 and my last photo of the year.  I am working on an Andy Rooney vibe from 60 Minutes.  Andrew is improving from ...