Tuesday, September 14, 2021

2021 Babysitter of the Year

So we had the little guys overnight on Sunday so their parents could attend the Alanis Morrisette concert.  Needless to say sleep was in short supply.  She shot me with Paxton looking on and Harry crouched below.

I started this on September 12rh and felt that I should probably be echoing the sentiments about the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  My words would be a restatement from many others.  Up until the pandemic of 2020, this was the biggest trauma our country suffered in this century.  We mourn the victims from the towers, the brave individuals that lost their lives trying to save the victims and those lost to a variety of diseases in the aftermath. We should not let the memory pass yet into the log of history.  John Kennedy's assassination has faded from the memories of most now being a footnote in the history books. 

While caring for Apollo at Katey's, I watched and episode of My 600 lb Life.  This is a TLC documentary series on the struggle of morbidly obese individuals and their attempts to achieve a more normal weight starting thru bariatric surgery.  The journey portrayed is shown over a few years.  I don't see these people as failures at self control but suffering from an addiction to eating.  Many times their caregivers are more facilitators of their obesity.  The woman I watched, Melissa is a tragic figure even after her massive weight loss struggling with old memories and demons.  To be honest, I was hoping for a happier ending.  But, it depicts reality.

Had a wonderful evening on Friday with friends from my past college days at the wonderful home of one of the friends.  For a few reasons, there were no spouses present and we swapped stories and spoke of our current lives.  Most are retired from their jobs with one going at the end of the year.  There are weddings being planned for some offspring which are stressful as expected.  We ate and drank a lot of wine and had lots of laughs.  I learned from a former girlfriend that I did the breaking up that ended the relationship and she cried a lot.  Felt bad but that relationship has migrated into a friendship, which can be more long lasting. For me, the evening was wonderful because we all felt at ease and relaxed.  Because we are all poor night drivers at this age, we closed the night at 9pm and went our separate ways. I am the eldest by the way.

Do you ever stop and wonder, what is my place in the world? PersonallyI have traveled from boyhood to manhood to fatherhood to grandfather hood.  Now I wonder what is next? Can I impart some knowledge on my grandchildren?  And what's left tor me as an individual? I continue to hope for growth and self acceptance and a sense of peace.  I know, too much bullshit.

all for now

stay safe

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