Sunday, October 3, 2021

Rambling and grumbling

I need more sleep. Sill waking up at 3am and siting thinking about the day to come.  Doing home sleep study soon hoping for answers.

done with birthdays for awhile.  The Judy, Eli, Paxton trio is over and we have nothing till November now. Rainy ride back from Grand Rapids yesterday.  We always seem to hit the torrents as we move from west to east. Fell asleep in the chair at about 9pm and woke not knowing where or who I was. Shook it off ant took Harry out.  Now listening to the crickets chirp in the early morning today. Really love this sound.  

Continuing to read about the supply chain interruptions with international trade. From chip shortages that plague the auto industry to no onion rings in the restaurants to my sadly missing Sweet Chili Sauce from Trader Joes, we are feeling the pinch.  I am buying out my leased vehicle at the end of the term in December which makes the most sense due to all the driving we are doing.  It runs fine and probably will need brakes.  The salesman at the Ford dealer said it was the best bet.  Imagine that, they don't wand to sell you a car.

Started watching Westworld on HBO this week solo.  It is my newest guilty pleasure after My 600lb Life ran its course.  This won some awards in its first season.  Based on a Michael Crichton book about a fantasy park populated by robots that answer all the guests wildest dreams.  Whether they be a romp with an dance hall girl or a murderous shootout, they answer every call with predetermined narratives written for their machines.  So this premiered in 2016.  The T*ump story was reaching its crescendo.  With all the hyper violence and the hyper sexuality in the show, it is on overload and the scenario of the time.  I can see why it was such a hit in that particular year.  Wonderful actors including Anthony Hopkins, Jeffery Wright, Thandie Newton and Evan Rachel Wood provide intuitive performances.  There is a growing undercurrent among the machines. It has yet to play itself out. 

My friends Rick Bradford and Al Wyckhuys are doing blogs about their lives and history. They are always interesting reads.  Keep writing gentlemen. 

We had our Covid booster shot on Thursday along with the newest flu vaccine.  Both of us felt lousy on Friday, not deathly ill but with no energy, foggy heads and tired.  Yesterday the symptoms were gone and I suspect it was from the flu shot not the Covid one.  If you are in my age group, get this booster if your last shot was 8 months ago.  

Going to a bowling party for Eli today followed by a Shannon visit at her house.  Aside from some quick shopping and meal prep.  That's it for today.  What are you doing today?

all for now
stay safe

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