Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stelara and the Sunrise


Traveling past Berkley HS yesterday morning I noticed a sign saying Kitchen Receiving.  Don't know why but it made me think of Jr High and High School lunch food.  My favorite was the pizza they served.  Picture a big greasy rectangular slab plopped on your plastic tray.  I do not know what kind of cheese they used.  I'm sure not mozzarella probably government cheese from the abundance of milk products.  They produced some sort of yellow cheese food formed and supplied in large sticks and sold to schools at a reduced price.  

Is it just me or does the new name of Fiat/Chrysler, Stelara, sound like a drug for erectile disfunction?

A spectacular sunrise today.  Had a view of it from I-696 traveling east this morning.  Wish I was the passenger rather than the driver so I could have captured it.

Two days ago I endured a prostate biopsy.  It was not pleasant but not as bad as I thought.  The anticipation was much worse.  I may in fact be traveling down a long road. Results next week. When conditions present themselves, you need not run away and hide.  

Grandson Elijah is staying with us today and yesterday, down with a cold.  Had him covid tested yesterday with negative results.  Judy is going to retrieve him from the middle school. Marie had her chilly last soccer game late in the afternoon.  Had fun talking to one of the other dads from a former team and Andrew. 

Went to Westborn Market for some supplies.  They had eggplants 2 for a dollar, so I bought a pair.  Needing some stuff for sandwiches, I ambled over to the deli counter.  The ball capped man at the counter was old, really old with a scruffy beard and an earring.  His hands trembled as he unwrapped the ham to be sliced.  He was slow and methodical but efficient.  Frankly, I was more worried about him and the slicer than his speed or the quality of the ham.  We finished with a smiles exchanged and my package delivered.

Looking forward to a day with few activities today.  Its raining so it should be a good day to lay low.

Going to present Bela Fleck and the Flecktones to the barbershop guys on my next visit via YouTube.  Will see how it goes.

Not much else today

stay safe

all for now

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