Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween 2021

 So yesterday was Halloween and our little town was buzzing with trick or treaters.  Berkley is not a fashionable splashy town like Royal Oak with numerous eateries and bars along with big festivals where they close off the streets and set up live bands.  Here the little kids go out with their parents and some hangers on and collect their bounty from the houses in the neighborhood. 

My darling Marie came over and went out with Judy and her father.  A splendid time was had by all.  Earlier during the rainy weekend the shopkeepers opened their doors for all the ghosts and goblins. Marie went as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. Her costume was stunning as was she.  Eli on the other hand was "too cool for school" and declined to participate.  Our grandsons from Grand Rapids Face Timed us with their outfits on as they went out with dad. Marie may be the most beautiful girl in the world.

One of my favorite things to do on this holiday was to take Shannon out trick or treating.  She was absolutely thrilled each time we went out.  I would roll her down the sidewalk in her wheelchair.  Sometimes families would bring the treats to her and other times I would collect.  I got some hi-viz clothing and hard hats from one of the vendors and we were the "construction crew". There was an elderly lady down the street on Orchard View that would kiss her and give her money and a large candy bar.   Good memories for me and I probably was as excited as her for the adventure. This is us in a photo from 2011.

Our municipal election is tomorrow in Berkley.  We voted by mail.  Some of the candidates and their supporters have chosen to throw dirt on their opponents with the most specific accusations.  I cannot get through the details of their comments.  This is a lovely town.  If you build 6 inches onto the city easement, I don't care.  Just don't change the character of our town.

One more thing today, there is a tasty donut shop on our side of Woodward called the Donut Cutter. There is always a line to get in and the lot is filled most mornings. Their wares are indeed terrific.  They post a sign reading "open till 2:30 or when we run out".  What if this was the Broccoli Cutter.  Would there be a full lot and concern for running out of stock?  Would anxious customers be queuing up to get their veggies?  I think not. 

all for now

stay safe

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