Saturday, November 27, 2021


It's Saturday morning. Breakfast is done and Shannon is watching you know what.  I made turkey noodle soup with the leftover bird Andrew provided yesterday.  Soup like this are really easy to construct. Needing only the protein, a couple of carrots, three stalks of celery, an onion and chopped garlic. Throw it in a pot with some salt and pepper using store bought stock, and you're in business.  Pre cook some noodles and in about an hour you have a meal for 6 people.  The heat and steam that comes off the soup is the solace needed for a cold day. I give batches to some friends and its like I gave them a car.  

So we have a new variant to cope with soon.  Coming from South Africa, it will be more difficult to cope with.  We will soon need more boosters, which I will take to stay relatively healthy.  Have gained some weight thru gluttony of the feast of a few days ago.  Was pissed at the world for I know not the reason and let my beard grow.  Not mad anymore, will get rid of it as it has reached the uncomfortable stage.

Somewhat sunny morning today in Berkley. My phone says we will have snow by the afternoon.  We are approaching December, so I guess it's time.  In other Oxford Penitentiary news, the ceiling about the second floor is falling in. They have the common seating area roped off so no senior gets clunked in the head by debris.  This has been falling down for about two months or more.  This building has been a cash cow for the owners for many years with little being spent to update and maintain the facility. This repair is probably not in the fixed budget.

The hapless Detroit Lions have lost another one.  The once positive coach Dan Campbell is looking beaten down struggling to find positive words to say after yet another defeat.  We watched the end of the game when the Bears kicked a short
field goal in last second of the game.  Yet the Ford family continues to profit from their team.  And in other football news, Michigan takes on Ohio State today.  I know I should but have no interest in the outcome.

I am really looking forward to viewing Get Back, the Peter Jackson documentary on their last days as a band.  The footage is about 50 years old but looks new from what I can see in the teasers.

Have been watching mystery series Shetland on Amazon Prime.  This is a Scottish based crime series with very intricate plot lines.  Like most of the series from across the pond there are so many twists and turns.  Just when you think you've learned the culprit, you have to cast off all your thoughts and start from scratch again. You cannot miss an episode.

all for now
stay safe


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