Son Andrew's new job is a Henry Ford Hospital in the Endoscopy/Colonoscopy clinic performed scheduled procedures at both ends if you will. He likes being with people again after two years in isolation working from home for Blue Cross. Generally it is a routine series of events throughout the day. Two days ago one of the male patients had a code in the middle of the procedure and he found himself doing chest compressions to keep the guy alive. The highly organized and effective team was about to call it and they found a pulse, shipped him off to ICU and it was done. So you shake off the experience as they roll in the next procedure candidate, allowing no time to process the previous event. He was still trying to think through it yesterday. I felt the impact of this from our discussions.
Was having a pretty good day yesterday with it being the last pickup day for Eli and Marie before the Christmas break. All went well and timely and it was my day to feed Apollo and take some dog/cat supplies to Katey. Gotta Whopper for lunch, fed the dog and took him out when I noticed something wrong with his hind foot, red and swollen, searched the apartment for signs of injury, finding none, took a picture, sent to Katey and between she and Judy they found a clinic to take him to. It was an allergic reaction. The dog has no complaints and is acting fine.
Have to close today with photos of my two grandsons in Grand Rapids. We will be seeing them around the first of 2022.
Paxton might as well be Captain Underpants as it his preferred dress around the house. Everett is a typical toddler exploring and finding new things to mess with. We miss them terribly and look forward to spending time with them and their parents.
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