Saturday, October 30, 2021

Signature and the Arm Barn

It rained yesterday, all day and all night.  But I needed the down day anyway so it was good.  Fell asleep at Katey's with Apollo watching the ever confusing WestWorld on HBO.  I could really use a little sunshine today to improve my personality.  Yesterday I just wallowed in my own grossness for the day and jumped into the shower early this morning for some relief.

Different topic, but has your signature changed with time?  Mine has gone from a full name spelled out with the middle initial to a J attached to the last name to now a single J with a straight line.  When you fill out a ballot to vote you are required to state your compete name.  I have to artfully scribe all three names, concentrating all the while.  Then have to save it somewhere because I will forget what I did. I know, big news.

It was nice to see that the President had an hour plus meeting with the Pope (in contrast to the terse 29 minutes spent with the former in 2017)  Joe is a practicing Catholic and proud of his faith despite all the wrongs committed over hundreds of years. in spite of his feelings on a woman's right to choose, the Pope said It was fine for him to receive the sacrament of Holy Commuion. I was raised in this brand of Christianity and have many positive memories of it.  From the Capuchin monks that came to dinner. on some Sundays to the pastor that gave my parents so much love and support when their youngest daughter succumbed to leukemia in 1966.  He even gave her a private first communion service because it was so important to them all. 

Going to try making meatless meatballs today using roasted eggplant and ground bread stuffing as the base with a couple of eggs as the binder.  Still trying to find tasty foods made without animal protein.  My creation is now out of the oven.  The smoke alarms are screaming announcing my cooking.  Fortunately that has stopped.  

in other news, PETA has lambasted the MLB its use of the word bullpen for a warmup area for pitcher before they are called in.  They want it to be called arm barn instead.  I cannot see this happening or even being considered. I fully support Native Americans observations about derogatory team names.  But cows?

Why are all these publicly paid employees like police and fire refusing to get the covid vaccine?  Is it because no one is going to tell them what to do?  What are the long term effects of the drug?  That seems to be a major question.  This virus can   kill you or your kids or grandma or spouse. Then you don't have to worry about long term effects.  Do you refuse to believe what the CDC is telling you?  Do you think Jesus will save you? Many large entities are telling their employees no shot, no work.  We all need to be fully protected.

enough bitching

all for now

stay safe


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stelara and the Sunrise


Traveling past Berkley HS yesterday morning I noticed a sign saying Kitchen Receiving.  Don't know why but it made me think of Jr High and High School lunch food.  My favorite was the pizza they served.  Picture a big greasy rectangular slab plopped on your plastic tray.  I do not know what kind of cheese they used.  I'm sure not mozzarella probably government cheese from the abundance of milk products.  They produced some sort of yellow cheese food formed and supplied in large sticks and sold to schools at a reduced price.  

Is it just me or does the new name of Fiat/Chrysler, Stelara, sound like a drug for erectile disfunction?

A spectacular sunrise today.  Had a view of it from I-696 traveling east this morning.  Wish I was the passenger rather than the driver so I could have captured it.

Two days ago I endured a prostate biopsy.  It was not pleasant but not as bad as I thought.  The anticipation was much worse.  I may in fact be traveling down a long road. Results next week. When conditions present themselves, you need not run away and hide.  

Grandson Elijah is staying with us today and yesterday, down with a cold.  Had him covid tested yesterday with negative results.  Judy is going to retrieve him from the middle school. Marie had her chilly last soccer game late in the afternoon.  Had fun talking to one of the other dads from a former team and Andrew. 

Went to Westborn Market for some supplies.  They had eggplants 2 for a dollar, so I bought a pair.  Needing some stuff for sandwiches, I ambled over to the deli counter.  The ball capped man at the counter was old, really old with a scruffy beard and an earring.  His hands trembled as he unwrapped the ham to be sliced.  He was slow and methodical but efficient.  Frankly, I was more worried about him and the slicer than his speed or the quality of the ham.  We finished with a smiles exchanged and my package delivered.

Looking forward to a day with few activities today.  Its raining so it should be a good day to lay low.

Going to present Bela Fleck and the Flecktones to the barbershop guys on my next visit via YouTube.  Will see how it goes.

Not much else today

stay safe

all for now

Sunday, October 24, 2021


So far a quiet morning.  Been writing to old friends on FB Messenger that are up at this early hour.  All in the household are still sleeping.  I call this photo "Sunrise at the Penitentiary" taken of my balcony.  

I should start watching "Pollyanna" movies and programs. These reality based shows are really depressing me.  Should really get drunk or high and binge watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to forget about the worlds problems.  But I can't stop from viewing the train-wrecks.  Even the normally perky Jen Psaki our press secretary is looking beat up and struggling for answers that are not the pre written responses. 

Our manager has issued another threatening letter to the residents ordering them to wear masks in the common areas.  Yes, mask wearing is a good idea but a reminder rather than threat is a better option.  In other apartment news, they are shutting down the electrical grid here next Tuesday and have demanded that all stay in their apartments (cells) for the duration or leave the premises.  We will be staying with the animals at Katey's.

I am still angry at the inequity shown on the Hulu series "Dopesick".  The drug pushing execs and sales people at Purdue Pharma should receive more punishment for their promotion and profiting on their drug Oxycontin.  Michael Keaton and the entire cast of this series are scary believable and his character's fall into addiction is shocking.  This most shocking real story on this topic is that the Sackler family has been judged immune from any further lawsuits from victims or their families or really anyone that suffered loss from the use of this drug.  The company went bankrupt and paid $4.3 billion fine but without any admission of accountability. This family still has a vast fortune and life will go on for them as normal. 

Another enlightening and disturbing offering is the HBO program "Four Hours at the Capital". It gives an on the ground viewing of the January 6th insurrection at our nations Capitol building.  I couldn't complete it.  My heart was ripped out by these terrorists.  The brave officers that fought them off have not been given the credit they deserved.  This documentary should be shown more widely than on a paid subscription media service.  These anarchists wanted to take down the government plain and simple.  Their leader did little to quell the violence.  It greatly pains me that many in this country still want him to hold the high office. 

Soccer game and rain in the offing today

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Jobs and wages

 I see many businesses looking for employees.  Pizza parlors are only open for 3 days a week.  The National Coney Island has a big public sign posted looking for all positions.  It's been up there for about a month.  A local MacDonalds is paying up to 14.00/hour for employees.  Hours are abbreviated because of a lack of employees.  A local restaurant that I frequent has an owner that complains that no one wants to work.  There is a government pay subsidy that will end soon. Was it a good idea? The jury is still out on the duration of that decision.  The real bottom line on this issue is that absolute fact that these jobs that are begging for takers do not pay a living wage.

Even at 15.00/hour a 40 hour week would yield $450/week or $1800/month. Rents are at least 800/month and car payments are about 300/month plus the cost of insurance. Health insurance is yet another discussion. After taxes you might be able to achieve a subsistence living on this wage for one, no kids allowed. 

Will the expectation be that workers will return when the subsidy expires, being employed at 7.50/hour?  Really no one is getting rich here.  The business owners are getting by but not getting rich.  Consumers are not patient with all the waiting to be served.  You could make your own dinner and wear last years clothes.  You could scramble your own eggs and spread peanut butter and jelly on a couple of pieces of bread. Going out, you could expect to spend a little more time, be kind to your server and be generous with your tip.  These people are not tending to as many customers and in fact earning less. 

The pandemic has lead us to this point.  

Went to the Detroit Zoo yesterday to enjoy the perfect weather gifted to us in mid October.  The photo is from the butterfly garden exhibit.  The little creatures were in abundance on the sunny side of the structure with very few in the shade.  The camels were sitting in a clump enjoying the sunshine and the pride of lions were lounging as well.  The wallabies were hopping and the kangaroos were basking.  The place was all decked out for the remaining days of the Zoo-Boo celebration. The the top photo "I am out of things to say; with onlooker".

all for now 

stay safe 

enjoy this day

Monday, October 18, 2021


Have you ever noticed that birds can hit a moving target when they land? Then as the branch sways in the breeze, they munch away on the berries on the tree.  Along with flying, these are amazing creatures.  The sun is rising in a rather undramatic fashion this morning clear but cool. Feeling like the world champion sleeper because I slept till 5am this morning.  

Had Andrew and Katey over for dinner yesterday after the victory at Marie's soccer game, the first for them. Made lemon garlic mushroom pasta, a simple dish that was enjoyed by all.  Typically I sit mute while Judy and Andrew battle out the cultural issues of the day.  Katey's friend finished well her age group 36th in a field of 350 in the 35 and older category.  They have been fast friends since they were 3.  

Sorry about all the TV reviews of late but not doing much else.  Completed "Time" a 3 episode Britbox series about life in prison and the torment and redemption of the main character played by Sean Bean.  You can pick it up if you subscribe to Amazon Prime.  Also started "Maid" a new Netflix series about complicated interpersonal relationships, financial struggle and abuse.  Not a light hearted but true story based on autobiography.  This one is definitely worth a look.

Sunday mornings when I wake up and breakfast is completed and the laundry is in process, I try to check out some of the feature based shows on the regular networks.  It's the only time on CBSN that there are not speech making Senators or commentators explaining T*ump's latest moves to fire up his base.  

They picked up a documentary called "Bring Your Own Brigade".  It's an overview and detailed account of the most recent wild fires in the western states, mainly the little town of Paradise.  I learned a lot about this subject.  The clear cutting of timbers by logging companies was replaced by dense planting of new trees.  This density and the hyper dry conditions that exist is the volatile fuel for these fires.  Some are caused by human intervention and some by lightening strikes.  The village council refused to enact any measures to try to save homes even a plan that would remove vegetation from within 5 feet of the dwellings.  The fire official pleaded at the meeting for this most simple of measures but it was voted down. 

Amidst all the fires and loss of homes and property in Paradise, there is a guy that has opened his home to strangers that are now homeless.  They bought small trailers and campers for the newcomers to put on the site. He too did not want to change anything but seemed like a good person. His dying mother stays with this tribe that includes his siblings.  Her pain is manageable by the consumption of cannabis cookies and the hugs of her children. 

Had a morning brightening call from Paxton in Grand Rapids.  He is a chipper guy going swimming at the Y today in Grand Rapids.  

Thats it for now.
stay safe


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Coolidge Plaza and a coupla shows

Did my sleep test night before last.  I was wired up and twisted thru the night to happily be untangled when I awoke at 4:30 am.  Packed up the kit and walked it back to the office at 9.  Should have results in 2 weeks.  Shannon was here for the night and she's watching guess what on the TV this morning.  Raining here now but sun is promised for later in the morning.  

Had another good walk yesterday this time at Innovation Hills.  The turtles are perching on the emerging logs in the pond all sitting in the same position and pose. It was kind of a sticky day with humidity thick in the air.  They are expanding the parking here because it has become more popular with a truly spectacular set of play structures.  They are still installing pavers around the perimeter.

This is a rendering of the new Coolidge Plaza down the street from us.  They are about halfway complete with the project.  Harry and I have been observing on our walks. I should be a pleasant place to sit, chat and enjoy our little town.  

We saw a couple of worthwhile programs yesterday.  The first was a film with Casey Affleck and Jason Segal called "Our Friend".  Made in 2019 but released in January of this year it tells the story of a loving couple with the wife suffering and stricken with cancer.  Their friend, Dane stays with them for a year, her last year, to help them thru the ordeal.  A true story based on an autobiographical article written for Esquire based on these events and realities.  I was touched and weeping at the end. I hate being touched but cannot escape it.  Shown on Amazon Prime.

Then there's the new offering from NBC, "Home Sweet Home".  This unscripted program has two divergent families switch houses and lives for a week.  The premier episode has a Greek Orthodox traditional family of 5 trade lives with an African American Two Mom household with twin girls and a toddler boy.  They each live in the other's dwelling for a week and into their lives. I hope it is truly without script.  The honesty of both families is disarming.  Nick, the father in the Greek household cannot understand how the gay couple can get along without a man around, finally remarking that men may not be as necessary as he thought.  Learning of all the traditional Greek dishes on the menu, one of gay moms remarks most of their culture from their roots has been abolished or stolen.  The Greek grandpa twirls the little girls hair innocently but really forbidden in black culture. Again, honesty even with cultural missteps.  If this is a topic of interest to you see this one.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Oh Deer!

Because the quality of my sleep is so poor and that I fall asleep nearly every afternoon, I went to a sleep doctor and accepted a monitoring system to be strapped on and worn to determine, oxygenation, breathing and pulse to see what is wrong if anything.  Put the contraption on last night and again awoke about 4am and I am up.  Taking the contraption back to the doc for reading results this morning.

In the interest of not wasting a good day, we went to the Troy Nature Center and came upon this pretty girl in the beginning of our journey.  She came up looking for a munch and stood looking at us like we were interrupting her meal about 4 feet away and was good enough to give us this image.

We are having an election next month in Berkley deciding some of the council seats and a mayor running unopposed.  One guy who seems to be the angriest man in the town is running on the platform of code enforcement and fiscal responsibility.  This is a happy place with kids running all over and a reasonably friendly high school population.  No one else running seems to be this mad, focusing on the positives in the community and ways to improve our town.  For all my bitching, I am positive guy seeing the good in people.  This candidate was going door to door campaigning yesterday.  Maybe he was secretly looking for code violators.

Bill Shatner in space!  Bezos could have fed thousands of people ravaged by climate linked storms with the money spent on this publicity stunt for his penis shaped rocket ship.  The egos know no bounds.  We can only imagine what Musk will do to top this.  Maybe they could put some resources toward getting all the ship bound goods into port so our economy wouldn't collapse.  Better yet, make the stuff here,  so we wouldn't be held hostage waiting on goods to arrive. 

all for now

stay safe


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Another brief sojourn

Had a great visit to Suttons Bay in recent days.  Stayed at Korner Kottage for the third time.  Hosts Jared and Jillian were most welcoming.  We were anticipating less than perfect weather but were happily surprised with no precipitation.

Had a few new experiences.  Went to Blackstar Farms down the road for a glass of wine in their lovely setting.  Found out about Raclette Cheese from Leelanau Cheese.  These craftsmen and women make it there and sell it from their factory and other retail outlets.

We had coffee and spice tea at another shop not tried before either.  Did lots of walking around the town and near the bay where there is a jetty out into the bay with a couple of benches.  Loved being in the quiet of the morning and before sunset with the seabirds skimming the top of the water

Our hosts have a little daughter walking and running named Dillan.  All the grandmas who were visiting were thoroughly entertained.  

The visitors to the town were decidedly older this time.  Many were barely walking.  Few looked really happy in this beautiful setting.  Despite the aches and pains, there is a lot to be cheerful about, good food, friendly people and pleasant days and a comfortable bed to sleep in. I emerged from this trip energized, wanting to do more and not just sit and bitch.  All the walking really helps in mind and spirit noticing your surroundings whether filled with beauty or not.  

Jared made a couple of egg dishes for breakfast both days.  The first one was a frittata baked in a cast iron skillet in the oven.  Looked like a picture containing Brussel sprouts, onions and mushrooms cut into wedges.  I wish I liked vegetables more than I do.  I am supposed to like them.  It is the right thing to do.  Even with the correct seasonings, still cannot get past the taste.  Oh well, will keep trying.  

Back in Berkley at the Towers (looks like the penitentiary from the street).  Ate my egg breakfast which was ok perhaps bolstered by the Franks Red Hot Sauce.  Seeing my buddy Apollo this morning for feeding and learning why I sleep so poorly with a device from the doctor tonight.  Supposed to be a decent day.  Hope to get outside and enjoy it.  

 all for now

stay safe

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Torn down and memories gone

A few observations; walking in another mans shoes by being uncomfortable in a setting where you are alone with people that know each other but you do not, with big cultural differences, is a new experience for the time I attended a wedding in Windsor Ontario and only Italian was spoken.  This week the men in the barbershop mentioned before were nice to me, but at this point, I am an outsider peering in.  That's ok. I should feel ill at ease. And it's no ones fault.  The culture separates us.

There are three houses were at the end of our street, complete houses that could raise a family, frame structures with shutters and steps to the porch.  Then they are gone and its like they were never there.  the earth beneath is flat and graded being prepared for a parking lot installation so a nearby restaurant business could thrive.  But these dwellings did not seem to be in ill repair. This is a sad march of progress and the use of funds.

The place, St Dennis Catholic Church,  where two of my kids was baptized and Andrew found his faith is now the site of a Kroger store.  The altar and statues and font have been removed to be replaced by deli counters and racks for potato chips.  The Methodist church from our old neighborhood is not the site of condominiums.   One of our kids and many others attended nursery school in the basement of that church.  In some way I feel that places of worship should be sacrosanct, somewhat holy ground, not land for development. I am not opposed to repurposing the structures.  The former St James church in Ferndale is not an assisted living space for people needing extra help.  My 99 year old across the hall neighbor just moved in there.

Had Eli and Marie after school yesterday.  It's much different than when they were little.  Both are moving toward teenager-hood and becoming ornery at times.  I try to not take it personally with success some times.  Eli is growing his hair out for twist curls on the top.  There is a specialist at the shop that designs and sets this style up.  Marie's flowing curls are just beautiful and she manages them well. I know little about African hair with my minimal experience being very substandard braids on Shannon when she was little.  

Fog is lifting in Berkley this morning.  Shannon is watching B and the B like usual and breakfast for the both of us is complete.  Magically, Tuane our handyman repaired our bathroom faucet yesterday, no more drips.  I know, big news.

On the TV front, we are watching and arguing about "American Rust" starring Jeff Daniels.  After each episode we have a serious talk about the plot and the holes therein.  She is not happy with the writing, me,  I am more comfortable with things not sewn up neatly.  We will soldier on watching with more discussions afterward. He and Maura Tierny are both journeymen actors and it shows.

Separately, I have been struggling through "Westworld".  This heavily nuanced plot is finally starting to take direction and make sense to my small mind.  Hopkins, Jeffery Wright and Thandie Newton are excellent.  If you don't mind the mental gymnastics to get it, it's worth the trouble.

Well that's it for now

stay safe


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

B and A Barbershop

Had occasion to meet an interesting man at the bowling party on Sunday. He is a friend of Andrew's and they are the same age at 40.  Previously he and I had brief hellos at the barbershop he and my son frequent but not much more. 

This shop is a place where African American men can get their hair properly serviced.  Tools are different and the cuts take a long time due to the precision of the talented barbers.  These guys have fancy automotive tool chests for their equipment.  The tools sparkle and allow for close cuts and trims.  I take Eli there for his trims and wait for his dad to come in after his workday is done.  The cuts are perfect in design and execution.  Nothing is out of place and these guys look spectacular when they get up from the chair.  Its nothing like the 15 minute clip job I get from one of the strip mall chop shops.  This is a domain for men and the their boys that are learning to be men.  No girly magazines like the shops of my youth only real conversation between guys with their sons looking on.  There is lots of eyeball to eyeball conversation about a variety of topics.  All in good taste, but little is off limits. The participants are engaged with each other.  I am greeted with politeness and a smile probably because they are fond of my son.   At times in your life, it is important to just shut up and listen.  It's not all about you. The environment you are in is not yours.

After this lengthy digression let me get back to my new acquaintance. Omar is a religious man but does not wear it on his sleeve.  He and my son and others including one of the barbers Scott attend the same Christian church on Sundays and have a mens group on Friday nights.  Since becoming close to these guys, Andrew is happier and more at ease than I have seen him in some time.  Needless to say his parents are happy about it.  Omar and I had a heady chat about important topics at our meeting including the reluctance of his community members to get the covid vaccine.  Plain and simple, trust in the government or government programs is hard to find given the lies they have been fed over hundreds of years.  We also discussed truthful conversations and if there is a path to move forward. His children, my grandchildren give me hope for the future.  My generation failed on all their promises and accomplished little besides growing a few non tax paying billionaires.

Raining again today in Berkley and I can hear the garbage trucks approaching amidst the sound of the drops on the balcony railings.  Soon moms will be covering their little children with umbrellas heading to Rogers Elementary down the street wishing them a happy day.

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Rambling and grumbling

I need more sleep. Sill waking up at 3am and siting thinking about the day to come.  Doing home sleep study soon hoping for answers.

done with birthdays for awhile.  The Judy, Eli, Paxton trio is over and we have nothing till November now. Rainy ride back from Grand Rapids yesterday.  We always seem to hit the torrents as we move from west to east. Fell asleep in the chair at about 9pm and woke not knowing where or who I was. Shook it off ant took Harry out.  Now listening to the crickets chirp in the early morning today. Really love this sound.  

Continuing to read about the supply chain interruptions with international trade. From chip shortages that plague the auto industry to no onion rings in the restaurants to my sadly missing Sweet Chili Sauce from Trader Joes, we are feeling the pinch.  I am buying out my leased vehicle at the end of the term in December which makes the most sense due to all the driving we are doing.  It runs fine and probably will need brakes.  The salesman at the Ford dealer said it was the best bet.  Imagine that, they don't wand to sell you a car.

Started watching Westworld on HBO this week solo.  It is my newest guilty pleasure after My 600lb Life ran its course.  This won some awards in its first season.  Based on a Michael Crichton book about a fantasy park populated by robots that answer all the guests wildest dreams.  Whether they be a romp with an dance hall girl or a murderous shootout, they answer every call with predetermined narratives written for their machines.  So this premiered in 2016.  The T*ump story was reaching its crescendo.  With all the hyper violence and the hyper sexuality in the show, it is on overload and the scenario of the time.  I can see why it was such a hit in that particular year.  Wonderful actors including Anthony Hopkins, Jeffery Wright, Thandie Newton and Evan Rachel Wood provide intuitive performances.  There is a growing undercurrent among the machines. It has yet to play itself out. 

My friends Rick Bradford and Al Wyckhuys are doing blogs about their lives and history. They are always interesting reads.  Keep writing gentlemen. 

We had our Covid booster shot on Thursday along with the newest flu vaccine.  Both of us felt lousy on Friday, not deathly ill but with no energy, foggy heads and tired.  Yesterday the symptoms were gone and I suspect it was from the flu shot not the Covid one.  If you are in my age group, get this booster if your last shot was 8 months ago.  

Going to a bowling party for Eli today followed by a Shannon visit at her house.  Aside from some quick shopping and meal prep.  That's it for today.  What are you doing today?

all for now
stay safe

End of year summation

This is the last day of 2021 and my last photo of the year.  I am working on an Andy Rooney vibe from 60 Minutes.  Andrew is improving from ...